global partners

Bob Utley

  • Bible Lessons International is a non-profit Bible study ministry based in Marshall, Texas dedicated to reaching the world for Christ to empower God’s people to interpret the Bible for themselves.

Ryan Miller & Family

  • Reaching the students of Colorado State University and the University of Northern Colorado with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Missionaries serving in south asia

  • Global Partners provides a wide range of global mission resources for churches and individuals, including training for short-term and long-term teams, financial systems to ensure accountability and effectiveness.

    *For the safety of our mission partner we cannot list their names and location.

Dave & Alissa Wied

  • “Modern Day Missions” is an interdenominational Christian mission organization headquartered in Arlington, Texas. It was founded in 2008 by Elias Reyes to provide fundraising support services to Christian missionaries.

    Since 2008, Modern Day Missions has worked with approximately 1300 missionaries in 80 nations. It is actively the largest independent missionary organization in the USA.

Bob & Amy Abel

  • Remember Nhu is a movement of people who dream of a better world. We believe that children have an inalienable right to grow up happy and healthy, and the idea that any child should be victimized in this way is appalling to all of us. Consider the following question: If you had the opportunity to identify a child who is at risk of being sold, prevent that from happening, and protect the child from ever entering the sex trade—would you do it?

    That is exactly why Remember Nhu exists. We are a non-profit committed to ending child sex slavery through prevention.


  • This family of 7 speaks Russian and Kyrgyz and shares the Gospel with primarily Muslims.

    They are Church Planting among the Post-Soviet Stan Countries and there are currently two training teams among the post-soviet stans, which have launched teams reaching Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan.


Learn more about our partners in Sheboygan County.